Bonjour Belgique!

Russell and I are headed to Belgium in 2 weeks! Yeah! I am so excited and am having a hard time concentrating on anything else...however, I did find some time to blog about my excitement :)
We are leading a trip sponsored by our church to assist Belgium missionaries, Brent & Daisy Boatwright with some renovations to an old church building.
You can check out their website at,
Russell and I are traveling with another couple to Brussels and then on to Huy (pronounced "we") where the Boatwrights live. We will spend most of the time renovating and some of the time touring, meeting the locals, and eating great food I'm sure!
We will of course take A LOT of pictures and some video and I will share it all on this is an exciting trip because it is the pioneering trip to Europe that our church is sponsoring. Most trips are sent to Africa, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic and this is the first to Europe...hopefully it will be the first of MANY :)
Europe is such an important mission field. Unlike other nations where poverty, economic downfall and opressive governments rule over the people; Europe is a very prosperous, wealthy, and educated nation where the need for God is not completely recognized. The vast majority of Europeans are either Catholic or Muslim and therefore have a difficult time understanding the gospel of grace that Jesus advocates. It is difficult for missionaries to make an impact on Europeans because they seem to have everything - why would they need God's grace?
Pray for us and be ready for an update in 3 weeks!!
