"Each one of them is Jesus in disguise." - Mother Teresa

In the 20th century, we have known mass slaughter of human life,
displacement, starvation, and rape as a means of ethnic cleansing in Armenia, The
Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda. Now in South Sudan and in Darfur, hundreds of
lives have been lost in the 21st century.
Please visit www.savedarfur.org to support helpless men, women and children who are suffocating in the grip of prejudice.
“I want to join my prayers to many other voices. Every
few months we are driven away from one refugee camp
to the other, so far in the desert where nothing, nothing
at all exists. This is no way for a human being to live.
No way to live in such a shocking place – uncultivated,
waterless, treeless and barren region...! Everything is
burning, Lord, around me, around us ... in me, in us ...
Everything is barren, hell, hell...! Yet, Lord, we believe
you are there, beside us. We pray for all the Africans
living now our same condition. Bring back peace and
tranquility to our beloved country. Peace which is
desired by everybody, the old and young, rich and poor,
women and men. Amen ... amen ... Let it be so.”
—Prayer from a Darfurian Woman
For even more information on how to help those in dire situations, please take time and visit www.one.org and www.worldvision.org
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